When working on a project, there are several considerations to be made with regards to the installation. A few things to take into consideration are:
All poles need to be 1 meter - 2 meter in the ground, concreted in. The size of the sail will determine the depth factor.
Poles are best to be on an angle, i.e. leaning out on at least a 10 degree angle from the centre of the sail for the best results.
Where the shade throw is required or it is more a certain look that is desired.
Look at where the water run-off is going to be, i.e. not sloping to a doorway.
All fittings should be stainless steel or galvanised to protect against weather conditions. Please note: All fittings we use are of Marine Grade quality!
We do not install to Styrofoam structures, Concrete tile roofs, or where there is any chance of water penetration.